Posts & Anchors

As personal fall arrest systems, anchors provide workers an optimum safety system on which they can directly hook their carabiner or their own safety hook. VERTIC engineers anchors and posts that can be fixed on all types of structures: decks, manufacturing areas, facades… Highly adaptable, they can be used as a wire rope support as well as a separate anchor.


Fall arrest sytem

The patented ALTIFIX Energy-absorbing Bending Posts are unique on the market and have been approved in accordance with the requirements of the EN795 standard, classes C and A.
ALTIFIX securing points can be used to support the cable pilot in a course and as a separate securing point. Equipped with an activation mechanism, the ALTIFIX allows to decrease the load generated on the fixings and the roofing elements. The securing points are easy to install on all kinds of roof structures from above.

Designed for all types of configurations and roofing deck profiles

Can be used as anchor points and lifeline or rail support

Installation without going under-surface

Corrosion-resistant, entirely made of stainless steel

The releasing tube can be replaced without damaging the waterproofing membrane


Fall arrest standard solution
Vertical Rail System

In case the structure does not allow the installation of an ALTIFIX anchor, VERTIC provides engineered standard anchor posts that can be directly fixed on the framework. Their sleeves and membranes enable a perfect waterproofing process.

Fixing directly on concrete, metal or wood framework

Can be used as anchor points and lifeline or rail support

Suit perfectly the structure dimensions thanks to the dedicated fixing kits

Single Anchors

Fall arrest standard solution

Single anchors provide an optimum safety solution for a fall arrest on a targeted area. User-friendly and money-saving, they allow at the same time, one or several workers to hang a carabiner or a directional connector for example.

Fixing directly on the structure

Can be fixed on a horizontal or overhead configuration and on the facade

Corrosion-resistant, they can be used either inside or outside

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